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Snapchat Working On To Add Music To Posts

Snapchat Working On To Add Music To Posts

  • Snapchat working on to add music to posts
  • Instagram and TikTok also give this feature
  • Snapchat talking to various music label for licencing

Snapchat working on the project which letting users to add music to their posts. Other social networking sites can offer this option of adding music which is very favorite among the people. Due to which in year 2018 most of the users had left snapchat. If the company wants to compete with the other social networking sites than the company have to make changes very fast according to the public demand.

According to the news the company have to met with Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group for licencing. But until now there is a no deal confirmed between these companies but the company has ramped up its efforts.  

Facebook also struck deals from various music companies in 2017 and 2018 allowing users to share and upload videos featuring songs with those labels. Others app like Instagram and Facebook let users to add music to their content.

But the snapchat not officially commented on this subject. According to 2018 graph with the upcoming of TikTok many users have to left snapchat. If in today's time the was unable to implement this feature and if also did not introduces the new interesting the new feature than its confirmed that many users can left snapchat.

If snapchat really insert this feature than the users intrest increases and they can express their emotion with the help of songs. So its a better option to keep back in the game. But the music licensed deal is very harder and not easily get by the snapchat.

There is a no sure confirmation of all these activity and we wants that in future it would be implemented. Because it is benificial for all the users.

Hope you guys you all enjoyed this article if yes than pls share this to everyone.

Snapchat Working On To Add Music To Posts Snapchat Working On To Add Music To Posts Reviewed by TECH 24 on May 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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