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How To Vote #India: Lok Sabha Election 2019

How To Vote #India: Lok Sabha Election 2019 (Phase 5)

  • Lok Sabha Phase 4 election 2019 has begun
  • You can check if your name is available on voter list or not.If available than find your pooling booth.
  • There is a no cast to give vote online.

Lok Sabha 2019 phase 5  voting has here, its a world biggest democratic process and every one wants to know that how to #VOTE. Lok Sabha vote are held every 5 years and it is very important election because it will make our next five years future.So voting is very important and choosing right or faithful leader is also very inmportant. If you wanted to know how to vote than follow the steps given below.

Is My Name Is On Lok Sabha Election 2019 Voter List?
If you wants to know that is your name is on lok sabha election 2019 voter list or not.Than to know this follow the steps given below:-
  1. Go to the NVSP Search page page.
  2. You can click search by EPIC No. If you have a Voter ID card,enter the epic no mentioned in voter id card and click on search bar.
  3. Alternatively,click search by details,click on search bar.

Where Is My Lok Sabha Election 2019 Pool Booth?
If you wants to know that where is your pool booth than do the above mentioned steps and check whehter your name is present on voter list or not if present than there will be name and location of your pooling booth.

Can I Vote Online or Not?
No,there is a no cast to vote online in India. 

So follow the all procedure and check you are eligible or not to vote.If you are eligible than give your vote to a good one or honest politician because one vote is very important and one vote can change the world.So be prepare your mood for election and go to pool booth and give your vote to your favorite ones.

How To Vote #India: Lok Sabha Election 2019 How To Vote #India: Lok Sabha Election 2019 Reviewed by TECH 24 on May 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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